Briefly in English

The purpose of the project is to find new innovative solutions and employment paths for those, who are facing the most challenges to become employed. The special focus in on models related to social enterprises and entrepreneurship and creating better prerequisites for their operations.  

In the project, we analyse different international models that support the employment of partially disabled within the Finnish social and legislative environment, as well as, test new methods towards employment. 

The project is done in cooperation with international partners, with whom best practices and models are interchanged. The international cooperation focuses on the employment especially in the social and health care and elderly care sectors.  

Ilona - Social enterprises in focus is an ESF-funded project for the period of

The project is executed by Silta-Valmennusyhdistys together with Vates Foundation, Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre Ltd., Diak University of Applied Sciences and National Institute for Health and Welfare.  

Project's objectives

  • Analyse, validate and assess the functionality of different international models that support the employment of partially disabled within the Finnish social and legislative environment, with special focus on models and best practices related to social enterprises. 
  • Systematically test new methods towards employment in the sectors within (social) enterprises and (social) entrepreneurship that have a high demand for labor force. Innovative methods used in groups as well as targeted education are highlighted. 
  • Increase employment and offer skilled labor to businesses. The focus is especially on the fields which have positive structural changes and on other fields experiencing labor shortages, such as in social and health sector and in circular economy and sustainable development.   
  •  Create a cost-effective, nationwide, carefully assessed structural solution to engage partially disabled people, in challenging labor market positions into employment.

In the project, a proposal for a cost-effective and a nationwide operational model to support partially disabled, long-term unemployed and other people in challenging labor market positions to become employed, is created.

The expected results of the project:

  • Assessment and description of the applicability of the international models in Finland, and the necessary actions to deploy them
  • New know-how and labor on fields experiencing labor shortages and having positive structural changes
  • Comprehensive model for a targeted audience combining support towards education and employment to open labor markets or social enterprise.
  • A bundle of material related to the model and its needed legislative changes


Eeva Salmi
Project Manager
+358 44 236 9662

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